A full spread.tarot cross layout


  1. Environment
    Two of Wands

    Staves: Creating. Creative energy. Think of building a house with wooden planks.

    Two: It takes two. A dialogue. Weighing and comparing different possibilities.

    A tall man looks from a battlemented roof over sea and shore; he holds a globe in his right hand and a staff in his left rests on the battlement; another is fixed in a ring. The Rose and Cross and Lily should be noticed on the left side. Divinatory Meanings: Between the alternative readings there is no marriage possible; on the one hand, riches, fortune, magnificence; on the other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification. The design gives one suggestion; here is a lord overlooking his dominion and alternately contemplating a globe; it looks like the malady, the mortification, the sadness of Alexander amidst the grandeur of this world’s wealth. Reversed: Surprise, wonder, enchantment, emotion, trouble, fear.

    You have a grasp of what you are capable of accomplishing and know what needs to be done. You know your investments will pay off if you follow the plan you’ve laid out. You sense success, feel proud, and are looking forward to the outcome. You are moving in the right direction. Reversed: Going in the wrong direction. Not paying proper attention to details. Receiving mixed signals. Tasks seem overwhelming, can’t get a grip on what you must do. Not in touch with your energies.

    A man of properties looks out from his battlements over the sea; he holds a globe in his right hand and a staff in his left. Another staff is fixed in a ring. Roses and lilies are crossed on the left side of the card. Divinatory Meaning:  Lord of the manor. Riches, fortune, magnificence, dominion. Interest in scientific methods. Reversed: Physical suffering, sadness, domination by others.

    Rewards are well-earned.


  2. Obstacles
    The Pope

    Spiritual wisdom and authority. Orthodoxy. Petitioning another for help, or someone is petitioning you. A person who deserves respect and, at the same time, wariness.

    Marriage alliance, captivity, servitude; by another account, mercy and goodness; inspiration; the man to whom the Querent has recourse. Reversed: Society, good understanding, concord, over-kindness, weakness.

    The Heirophant is the link between God and man — the high priest on earth. His are the ways of tradition. He is our spiritual guide who transcends the material world.


    The master of the sacred mysteries wears the triple crown of a pope, signifying the creative, formative, and material worlds. He holds a sceptre terminating in a triple cross. At his feet are crossed keys, a gold one for solar energy and a silver one for the unseen forces of the moon. The two tonsured priests kneeling before him again indicate duality, for one garment is decorated with the white lilies of spiritual thought and the other with the red roses of desire. He may represent the Pope, but more likely the idea of a pontiff who is master to the masses. He is the ruling power of external religion, whereas the High Priestess teaches only in secret to initiates. Divinatory Meaning: Preference for the outer forms of religion. The need to conform, to be socially approved. Reversed: Unconventionality, unorthodoxy, openness to new ideas in any field. Danger of becoming superstitious. Can be the card of the inventor as well as the crackpot.

    This card speaks of a spiritual rather than a worldly power and authority. The priest offers wisdom and rational knowledge, creative intelligence and inspiring perceptions. You are gaining insight and a stable understanding of your life and surroundings. This knowledge is not necessarily a religious one, but rather a profound and sensible understanding. The High Priest in this card may symbolize an influential friend, adviser or teacher. Reversed: Beware of lies and misleading information.


  3. Above
    The Chariot

    Succour, providence; also war, triumph, presumption, vengeance, trouble. Reversed: Riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.

    Victory. Heroism. The knowledge that one has made the right choice. Doing what is right as opposed to what feels good. Temporarily getting people or forces to do what you want. An uneasy marriage.

    An erect and princely figure rides under a starry canopy in a chariot drawn by two sphinxes. He carries the wand of authority and the will. The shield on the front of the chariot bears a symbol typifying the union of positive and negative forces. The white sphinx is a symbol of mercy; the black one of stern justice. Both the carnal and spiritual urges are under the strong control of the charioteer. The car symbolizes the combination of heavenly and earthly powers. The human personality is the vehicle through which the self manifests its dominion over all things. He drives the chariot by the strength of his will and the magic wand, but the tension of his will may weaken and the sphinxes may pull in different directions and tear him and his chariot in two. Divinatory Meaning: Conquest, success for those engaged in artistic pursuits, triumph over money difficulties, ill health and foes. Advantage for the seeker will result if he resists his lower promptings and masters his animal passions. It is a card of those who achieve greatness. May also betoken travel in comfort. Reversed: Sudden collapse of a project, decadent desires, perhaps an unethical victory, vengeance.

    This is a symbol of movement, possible travel, usually coupled with progress and achievement. An important stage has been reached in your life’s progress. You are overcoming obstacles and achieving success through your worldly life and personal dynamism. Reversed: Beware of too much forcefulness, which could lead to ruthlessness.

    Action in the World

    The Chariot is the preeminent representation of action in every domain, in the self and in the world. The Chariot knows full well where it is heading. The Chariot is often seen as a conqueror performing powerful actions, or a lover with a triumphant sexuality. Sometimes he heralds a voyage. In all cases this is a card that is moving forward toward success.


  4. Below

    Strength. Inner strength. Fortitude and resoluteness. Avoidance of distraction and temptation.

    This signifies the need to face new developments with courage, fortitude and moral fiber. The card implies setbacks and difficulties to overcome. You will need an inner strength and resources to overcome these adversities. Reversed: You will not be able to overcome your obstacles due to your lack of moral and spiritual strength.

    Creative Beginning, New Energy

    Justice. Equity, rightness, probity, executive. Reversed: Law in all departments, bigotry, bias, excessive severity.

    The Justice card is about bringing balance and harmony into our lives and what happens when we don’t.


  5. Behind
    Page of Swords

    Swords: Defending. Self-defense and setting boundaries. Think of drawing a line in the sand with a sword point.

    Knave: Learning. Curiosity. Becoming interested.

    A lithe, active figure holds a sword upright in both hands, while in the act of swift walking. Divinatory Meanings: Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination, and the qualities thereto belonging. Reversed: More evil side of these qualities; what is unforeseen, unprepared state; sickness is also intimated.

    This card signifies a somewhat halfhearted approach to solving the problems facing you. Not taking things seriously enough or having a full understanding of the problem and what it means to you. Reversed: Unexpected problems lurk in the distance.

    A lithe young figure — either young man or maiden — holds a sword in both hands while walking over rugged land. Wild clouds are gathered about him. He looks around as if expecting an enemy. Divinatory Meaning: An active, dark-haired, brown-eyed boy or girl. Betokens vigilance, scrutiny, spying for either good or evil. Reversed: Unprepared state; unforeseen events; may possibly mean illness; imposter likely to be defeated.

    A clever, even mischievous young man. Be ever watchful.

    Young inexperienced energy. Hesitant, unsure, non-initiative.

    My thoughts are still contradictory. I hesitate before the duality of concepts. I do not know how to cut, to give the blow that will separate subjective from objective. I am not a party to anything: I am still incapable of taking part, of committing myself.

    The intellect of the Page still needs to be honed and shaped. Does he know how to use his weapon, or should he put it back in its flesh-colored sheath? This figure, who possesses the foundations of intelligence, lacks self-confidence. Like all the Pages, his position demands both caution and perseverance. The negative aspects of this card would be lies, self-depreciation, intellectual confusion, verbosity, halting and poorly organized thought, and verbal aggression.


  6. Ahead
    The Devil

    An unexpected, last-minute challenge or temptation. Unbridled passion. Gross sensuality. Greed. Materialism. Unreason.

    Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality; that which is predestined but not for this reason evil. Reversed: Evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindness.


  7. You
    The Moon

    A perception of larger truth, more than the glimpse we saw in the Star but still obscured. Mystery. Unease. Hidden motivations. A wild, untamed, Dianic energy.

    Hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, deception, error. Reversed: Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error.

    The Moon glows, but it does not illuminate the earth below. It is not a guide like The Star and it does not warm or brighten. The light The Moon casts isn’t even its own — it’s a reflection of The Sun. The reality we know by day is now cloaked in an illusion. When The Moon is high in the night, we enter the dreamworld. And in this netherworld, things are not as they always seem. The familiar shapes of the daytime hours take on different meanings. We must be on guard. Even the Moon doesn’t reveal all of itself to us. It grows from a little sliver to a full moon — another reminder that not everything has been revealed to us.

    The Moon card warns us of the unknown, yet at the same time beckons us. It’s that fear of the unknown that attracts. We don’t know where the journey will lead and yet we’re willing to take the risks, to venture out into the darkness. The Moon tugs on us, just as it pulls the tides. Reversed: Not a time to venture out. Stay with the path you know best. Lacking in faith and in nerve. Going through a phase. In the dark about things.

    A dog and a wolf are seen baying at the moon. The pool in the foreground is the same as that shown in Keys #14 and #17. It is the great deep of mind stuff out of which emerges physical manifestation. The shellfish symbolizes the early stages of conscious unfoldment. The wolf is nature’s untamed creation, while the dog is a  product of adaptation to life with man. The path ascends ever upward between the towers. The upward progress of man is here symbolized; the moon signifies the reflected light of subconsciousness; the falling drops of dew (Yods) represent the descent of the life-force from above into material existence. Divinatory Meaning: Imagination, intuition, dreams. May mean bad luck to one you love. Unforeseen perils, deception, secret foes. Reversed: Storms will be weathered, peace gained at a cost. Imagination will be harnessed by practical considerations.

    For a prudent person, this can be an unfortunate card. The moon is an irrational supernatural force in the universe. Sometimes intuition can be your best friend. Believe in yours and listen to it closely. Your irrational side can overcome many obstacles, yet it must be used carefully since it can lead to a dangerous fantasy world. Reversed: Forewarns against letting your life become too stagnant and cold. Don’t become old before your time.

    Receptive Female Power

    The moon is one of humanity’s oldest symbols; it represents the maternal feminine archetype par excellence, the Cosmic Mother. Its essential quality is receptivity: the satellite body of the moon reflects the light of the sun. The moon is also the world of dreams, the imaginal realm, and the subconscious, traditionally associated with night. The Moon symbolizes the mysteries of the soul, the secret process of gestation, everything that is hidden. The moon is connected with biorhythms, water, tides, menstrual cycles, and the transition from life to death. Its infinite receptive potential is its greatest treasure.


  8. Others
    Eight of Pentacles

    Coins: Obtaining. Providing for yourself. Establishing a comfort zone. Taking risks with resources. Think of the thoughts and feelings you experience when you buy a lottery ticket.

    Eight: The efficiency expert. Through the use of discipline and structure, you reach peak efficiency.

    An artist in stone at work. Divinatory Meanings: Work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, skill in craft and business. Reversed: Voided ambition, vanity, cupidity, exaction, usury.


  9. Illusions
    Knight of Pentacles

    Coins: Obtaining. Providing for yourself. Establishing a comfort zone. Taking risks with resources. Think of the thoughts and feelings you experience when you buy a lottery ticket.

    Knight: Focusing. Single-mindedness. Determination.

    He rides a slow, enduring, heavy horse, to which his own aspect corresponds. Divinatory Meanings: Utility, serviceableness, interest, responsibility, rectitude. Reversed: Inertia, idleness, repose of that kind, stagnation; also placidity, discouragement, carelessness.

    Hard work produces desired results. Stay on the path, don’t deviate. Outline your goals ahead of time, then make a plan for achieving them. Don’t leave things up to chance. Choose tasks in keeping with your abilities. Reversed: Impatience will lead to failure. Be careful not to go in too many directions at the same time. Not applying yourself as you should. Don’t narrow your pursuits so that you exclude opportunities as they arise.

    A knight rides a heavily caparisoned horse through a freshly plowed field. He balances the pentacle symbol carefully, as if he were displaying it but not really looking at it. Divinatory Meaning: A black-haired, black-eyed young man, materialistic, methodical. Card betokens utility, serviceableness, patience, laborious toil, responsibility. May represent the coming or going of a matter. Reversed: Inertia, idleness, stagnation. A young man of careless habit.

    A trustworthy friend.

    “Matter has been spiritualized. It has become fertile and is the mother of eternal life. We have vanquished death. I am ready to undergo endless changes knowing that within my profound essence, there is an immutable core. This is what will give origin to the new riches of the Earth that will take on concrete form in the Wand. I am already carrying in my right hand the beginning of a new cycle of activity, a creative wand.”

    Wand in hand and astride a receptive blue mount, this knight is advancing through a countryside lit by a star in the form of a pentacle. He represents the act of going beyond matter into creativity, a culmination that opens new horizons. He is also someone wealthy enough to create something new or a new purpose beyond material considerations. In the strict sense, the Knight of Pentacles can represent a journey or a move; in this instance a quest connected to the body, creativity and one’s place in the world.


  10. To Come
    Nine of Pentacles

    Coins: Obtaining. Providing for yourself. Establishing a comfort zone. Taking risks with resources. Think of the thoughts and feelings you experience when you buy a lottery ticket.

    Nine: You deserve it. You receive rewards due to your own efforts.

    A woman, with a bird upon her wrist, stands amidst a great abundance of grape vines in the garden of a great house. Divinatory Meanings: Prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, discernment. Reversed: Roguery, deception, voided project, bad faith.

    You’ve earned great success and have much to enjoy. Skills honed in business world can help you manage your life overall. Your abilities can take you wherever you want to go; you’re not dependent on others for success. Reversed: Gains have been (or could be) lost. Bad decisions may be at fault. Didn’t pay attention to what others were telling you. Expected yields aren’t forthcoming.

    A mature, well-dressed woman stands in her vineyard. There is a manor house in the background. The falcon on her wrist indicates her thoughts are as well controlled as the bird. Divinatory Meaning: Material well-being, accomplishment, prudence, safety. There may be an inheritance from this woman or, if she seems to be the seeker, she will receive more wealth. Wisdom. A life well-organized. Reversed: Roguery, dissipation, voided project, bad faith. Possible loss of home or friendship.

    Hard work will bring success.

    A material stage has been completed, giving birth to a new one.