Staves: Creating. Creative energy. Think of building a house with wooden planks.
Queen: Encouraging. Getting things done in a calm, understated way. Using persuasion rather than force.
The Wands throughout this suit are always in leaf, as it is a suit of life and animation. Emotionally and otherwise, the Queen’s personality corresponds to that of the King, but is more magnetic. Divinatory Meanings: A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honourable. If the card beside her signifies a man, she is well disposed towards him; if a woman, she is interested in the Querent. Also, love of money. Reversed: Good, economical, obliging, serviceable. Signifies also opposition, jealousy, even deceit and infidelity.
An appreciation for life, relationships, friendships, family. Work, home life in harmony. All pursuits surrounded by a positive force. Reversed: Under the influence of someone who is narrow-minded, self-centered, domineering. Must guard against feelings of jealousy.
A crowned queen wearing royal robes holds a flowering wand in her right hand, that of authority. In her left hand is a sunflower, signifying her control over nature. The lions on the arms of her throne are fire symbols, and the black cat is a symbol of Venus in its sinister aspect. The three pyramids are seen again. Divinatory Meaning: A blonde, blue-eyed woman, animated and magnetic. Generally she lives in the country, is home-loving and nature-loving. She is friendly, chaste, and honorable. If the card beside her is a man, she is very fond of him; if a woman, she is interested in her welfare. The card may mean success in undertakings and enterprises. Reversed: A virtuous but strict and economical woman. Opposition, jealousy, deceit, or infidelity are suggested.
A strong, independent woman.
The energy of the Queen is positioned between the 4 and the 5, between security and the appeal of an ideal. The Queen rests upon something that has been established, all the while knowing a new point of view exists.
A sculpted wand is propped upon her lower belly; she is holding it with her right hand, while with the other she seems to be shaking a small artificial hand that is colored yellow. She is a sensual and seductive individual who shares points in common with The Empress. In full possession of her sexuality and creativity, she can be passionate, capricious, instinctive, and independent. She represents the satisfaction of a person who has begun to live on her creativity. Her sexuality is fully experienced, and she can symbolize an artist or an energy working, but she can also, in a more negative sense, represent someone obsessed with sex, venality, or excess.
“I have dived into the incessant river of desire. Everything in me is exuberance. With the gluttony of a tornado I offer my burning cavern to every insemination. My voluminous hair is the foam of an ocean that gathers itself in a single wave. Universal power manifesting as sexual action gives me the supreme strength of seduction. I am ready to incubate countless eggs, to make all deserts flower, and to people with my works the harsh kingdom of the Queen of Pentacles. This is why I never stop opening myself and never stop calling. Without a generative intake I would not exist. It is this incompleteness that gives me my giant stature. Beneath my being outside of omnipotence I need to be used, fertilized, and directed. This is what seduction is: a lack transmuted into strength by desire. If I did not acknowledge this lack, if I aspired to complete myself, I would become castrating.”